Saturday, March 3, 2007

A Time for Remembrance

I will never forget June 22nd, 2003. This day changed the lives of many people around me and changed myself as well. This day, or I should say night was when my good friend Kieron passed away in a tragic car accident.

I have never been a firm believer in reincarnation or the period of transcendence from the mortal to immortal realm. However, one late night about a year and a half after Kieron’s death, my opinions on these beliefs changed drastically.

I was taking a walk with my friend up the street from my house. I had never before told him the story of Kieron’s death nor had expressed such emotion talking about the devastating time. It was then we noticed a small black cat that proceeded to follow us around the block and all the way back to my house. I knew all of my neighbors and was sure that none of them owned this cat.

An hour and a half after returning to my home that evening, I looked out my front door window, only to find the same cat still perched on my front lawn. It was then I realized that no matter what form Kieron had taken after his death, the mere recollection of his presence on earth would bring his spirit to me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's a really touching story.