Monday, February 12, 2007


Anger, a word commonly defined as, “a strong feeling of displeasure and belligerence aroused by a wrong; wrath; ire” ( The word to me, strikes up something a bit more personal. When I think of anger, instead of thinking of the word itself, I think of how the words meaning directly applies to me. In other words, what makes me angry.

I view anger as a very strong emotion, something that I try my very hardest to avoid. However, I am only human and there have been many times where I have become enraged.

Deceit is one thing that really enrages me. Most of the time, I would consider myself to be an honest, trustworthy person who does what she can for others. There have been many times, where I have been in a relationship, friendly or dating and the other party had purposely deceived me. As a result of this, it has become very hard for me to trust others, especially with personal emotions.

Something else, in a similar field as deceit, that angers me is when I feel taken advantage of. Ever since I was little, my mother warned me that if you were too nice to someone, they would take advantage of you. This has been a hard lesson for me to learn throughout my life. However, when it happens, the anger that arises within me is forceful enough to cut that person out of my life for good.

I don’t like to be angry, because for me, being angry is just a cover up for the real emotion I have, hurt. Sometimes, I feel it is much easier to be angry then hurt or depressed. When you are hurt or depressed the assumption is that I am weak. If I am angry, I am strong. Whether this is right or wrong, it is me and will always be part of who I am.


profchaos77 said...

I know what you mean -- anger isn't looked at as negatively as some other emotions. For example, if you get too angry are your employees, it happens, but if you show any kind of hurt or sadness, the usual feeling is that it's something to be ashamed of.

media junky said...

I feel the same way. I can't stand being lied to, even if it is over omething trivial and unimportant, it just isn't necessary.

I too, have had to learn the hard way about being lied to and taken advantage of. Just last semester a girl I thought was my frend stole a bunch of very expensive things from my room and planted them on her own room mate!

It is just something that I will never understand!