Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Secrets Secrets Are No Fun!

I rarely like to snoop, but for the purpose of this assignment, I gave in and “overheard” in my opinion, a very juicy conversation.

As I was standing outside the Manhattanville College library on Tuesday, I listened in on a conversation between two women, who shall be referred to as Jane and Sue in this entry, discussing what they had done this past weekend.

The conversation began with Jane exclaiming, “ Sue, get your cute butt over here now! I have so much to tell you.” What seemed to be a millisecond later, the two women were discussing some very exciting information…or at least by their large, accentuated hand gestures that’s what it seemed like. Jane revealed, “It was only for a second”. “ Well then why are you blushing?” Sue giggled. “ Uhhh…I don’t know, it seems like I waited forever for him to ask me out and tomorrow’s Valentines Day and” Jane paused “ it’s just all too much to handle… I am excited though” Jane chuckled.

“Listen to me, you are the luckiest person right now! He has so many girls chasing after him and he likes you. Keep your cool,” asserted Sue. Jane took a second before responding, “ I know” she sighed. “ So, where is he taking you?” Sue questioned. “ This Italian restaurant, I’m not sure of the name… listen babe, I have to run to class” explained Jane, “ I’ll call you later with more of the details”.

That my friends, was the end of the conversation and the end of this blog entry. I hope you enjoyed it!

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