Thursday, May 3, 2007

Womans Best Friend

Let me just start off by saying that the love of my life…is my dog, and the best dog at that! His name is Wally and he is a Cavalier King Charles spaniel.

My family and I adopted Wally when he was just three months old from a shelter in Westchester. Before Wally, I had never had a pet before. Because I am an only child, it is nice to have around another life in the house to keep both my parents and I occupied.

The reason I say Wally is my best friend and the love of my life is because he is always around, always there when I need him. When I am upset about something, he will always cuddle with me and make me feel ten times better.

Since I am away at school, my parents get really lonely. It is nice to know they have someone else there to look after them and make them feel loved. After having a dog, I can’t imagine not owning one.

Unfortunately this spring, Wally was diagnosed with a heart murmur, a disease common within the breed. The doctors informed us that he wouldn’t be around for much longer. The thought of this is entirely heart breaking. Although it might seem weird to many people, this dog is like a brother to me.

It is my hope that Wally will make it through the summer. I feel so blessed to have had him in my life and encourage anyone looking to get a dog, to consider the breed of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. I promise you won’t be disappointed!

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