Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I Weave My Own Web

The frequency of how often people visit websites is determined by how useful they can be to ones personal needs. In general, society as a whole has become self-centered. I enjoy visiting websites that relate to my interests and rarely search for sites out of pure curiosity. The web is a great way for individuals to explain who they are, both to themselves and to others.

For example, I regularly visit a website entitled "facebook". This site was designed to connect and reconnect individuals in college who have either lost touch with each other or as just another form of communication. Also available on this site, is the chance to customize you page and include personal aspects of your life on screen.

Another website that I often visit is “ebay”. This site is nice because it allows you to search for anything…and I mean anything! There was once a time when I needed a small plug for my thirteen-year-old lamp. I was about to throw the lamp out, when I found someone on “ebay” selling the exact model that I needed! Crazy huh?

For research, both educational and personal, I really enjoy using the web. It’s efficient and allows viewers more access to and options with making that decision, whatever it may be.I can’t wait to see what new developments come about in this high-powered, technologically advanced world of ours!

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